We go by many names GEEK!, MAKER!, HACKER!, ARTIST!
GeeksOk was developed as a means to organize and distribute information that was geeky and discuss issues that are important and relevant to everyone. GeeksOk is a community of education, technology, and creativity enthusiasts united by hobby, entertainment, and profession. We find interest and entertainment in thought provoking ideas and have incorporated many ideas of computers, sustainability, social justice, and artistic works. We seek to expand our understandings of technical subjects and important current events through analysis, discussion, and implementation.
The term “Geek” is a badge of honor and rooted in a culture that identifies itself with interests of non-conformity and being outside the mainstream. The key to Geekdom is the pursuit of information and the application of that information in productive ways. The difference between a nerd and geek is best described by an interview from The Colbert Report stating that “geeks get it done.” Go geek.
GeeksOK was the brainchild of Troy Coon (Educator) and Michele Coon (Organizer and Webdesigner). GeeksOk would not exist as it does today without the help of Michael Stahlman (Engineer and owner of Custom Technology Solutions LLC). Michael has been with GeeksOk from the very beginning as a voluntary Co-Founder.
GeeksOK has ceased its Makerspace operation and taken to the Inter-WEBS. We have been remodeling our website and developing an new business model which will be unveiled soon. Please check back later to see what we are up to.